Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™ · Mind Medicine Australia
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Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™

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Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™

Applications for February 2025 intake close on November 30.
Don’t miss out! Places are filling fast.

We also strongly recommend applying for July 2025 intake asap.

Apply Today!

CPAT™ is accepting applications now from clinicians all over Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific for our July 2024 intake. Don’t miss out on learning with the world’s best in psychedelics and healing the suffering.

Mind Medicine Australia (MMA) is a charity that seeks to alleviate the suffering caused by mental illness in Australia through expanding the treatment options available to medical practitioners and their patients. We are focused on the development of safe and effective psychedelic-assisted therapies to cure a range of mental illnesses.

To this end, MMA has developed the Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™ in collaboration with leading PAT practitioners in the USA and UK.

The Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™ by Mind Medicine Australia (MMA) is a part online and part face-to-face professional training that provides registered healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively administer psychedelic-assisted therapies (PAT) in clinical settings. This program is both for prescribing psychiatrists, as well as other mental health professionals who will be delivering the treatment as part of a multidisciplinary team.

The training is delivered by a world-class faculty made up of global leaders in the field. It teaches best practice for the delivery of PAT, with a focus on psilocybin, MDMA and ketamine-assisted therapy. These are the three psychedelic medicines with regulatory approval in Australia.

In February 2023 the TGA approved Mind Medicine Australia’s application to reschedule the substances psilocybin and MDMA from Schedule 9 (prohibited substances) to Schedule 8 (controlled medicines) of the Poisons Standard. With this rescheduling, psychiatrists who have the requisite approvals are now able to utilise psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression and MDMA for PTSD. These changes came into effect July 1st, 2023.


“Reflecting on the past week at the Sydney residential CPAT training with Mind Medicine Australia. Not only have I been blessed with making what I think will be lifelong friendships, but I have grown both personally and professionally beyond what I could ever have expected. Thank you! I am so excited to be at the forefront of this “renaissance” of plant medicines and truly believe that they will offer hope and a way forward to many who have felt disheartened with current mental health treatments.”

Kristy Ross, Clinical Psychologist

“This is by far the best PD course that I have ever attended! (Having attended over thirty different workshops, and PD of all sorts). As facilitators and teachers, there are honestly not enough sufficient words to express my gratitude and appreciation to you!”

Tamryn Morgan, Psychologist, NSW

“Any self-proclaimed ‘evidence based’ clinician should do this course. Psychedelic medicine is here; learn about it and you will not only understand it better, but it may reinvigorate your career.”

John Farrow, GP, NSW

“The MMA course was such an incredible collaboration of science and soul, mind and heart, knowledge, and gnosis. Not only were we given all the education and skills to do this work, we were given the deep exposure into psyche, to ensure that we do it with compassion, professionalism, and reverence. I’m so excited for the future of psychiatry thanks to MMA.”

Ashe Young, Psychotherapist, WA

“I have found the CPAT course very educational. I feel that my understanding of the medicine has improved and the course has prepared me to both sit with patients on the medicine and to help them integrate their experiences. I would highly recommend this course to other practitioners interested in this emerging science.”

Rimona Burke, GP, NSW

“I had a great, meaningful time. It’s so rare to bring a group of people with the same interest and passion for self-growth and helping others together. This world suffers from a huge PTSD and needs this so much. Thank you.”

Helena Andrejkova, Counsellor, NSW

“I came to acquire knowledge about being a psychedelic therapist.. and I got that.. but so much more! This was such a mind-expanding, heart-opening experience. If you are curious follow your instinct, enrol, and enjoy the journey!”

Angie Randell, Psychologist, QLD

“I was sceptical initially when starting the course. I was curious as The College and TGA have made an announcement about psychedelic treatment. I am grateful for having done the course. It answered many questions and the whole experience was educational and MMA made learning fun.”

Alfred Chung, Psychiatrist, QLD

“The course is of a very high standard, offered by leaders in the field. I felt I was needing to perform at my best. The residential week was wonderful, from sublime to divine.”

Lorna Burns, Psychologist, New Zealand

“Mind Medicine Australia continues to impress. I have completed various higher education qualifications, as well as the less formal experiential retreats and personal development courses, from the quirky, to the evidence based. The CPAT provides a holistic framework that encapsulates a strong academic approach and faculty with a truly authentic therapeutic model. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the CPAT is life changing.”

Kelly Rae, Psychotherapist, NSW 

“The CPAT has exceeded all expectations I had when I applied. I highly recommend this course to anyone in the field. The expertise and networking are second to none. I feel part of something that will change the future of mental health in Australia.”

Vasileios Tsaikalis, Psychotherapist, NSW 

“I just competed the CPAT course in Melbourne and it was one of the finest, well thought through, academically informative and robust programs I have had the pleasure of being a part of anywhere.”

Dr Mary Lanier

“This weekend was the most rounded professional development I can remember doing – I felt nourished in mind, soul and body.  Not usually a networker, I surprised myself by connecting with many people that I am sincerely looking forward to meeting again and hopefully working with in the future.  Even though the programme was intense, I feel inspired not exhausted; I think this is because there was such a supportive and empathic group of facilitators and participants.  My gratitude to Mind Medicine Australia – I’m wearing our T-shirt as I sit at the airport & type, just hoping for when someone asks me what this is all about!”

Dr Ria Leonard, Psychiatrist, NSW 

“The most engaging, interesting and enjoyable course I have attended.”

Dr Eoin Wilson, Psychiatrist, NSW

“I had the most wonderful and profound weekend. Thank you for allowing us to experience Holotropic Breathwork. Please know by doing so you are allowing us to better support our clients by supporting ourselves.”

Chloe Panayiotou, Psychologist, VIC 

“The course to date has been priceless and an invaluable opportunity to be a part of the medicine work moving into the future. I cannot recommend it highly enough!”

Jon Hart, Psychologist, QLD 

“The holotropic breathwork weekend intensive was beautiful. It just feels like I belong here, in this group, in this work. Overall, I find this group and the breadth of content covered in this course immensely gratifying and reassuring.”

Vincent Clementine, Counsellor, VIC 

“What a pleasure to be a part of the first cohort of MMA’s Certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies. The quality and breadth of the material presented at our first weekend of in-house teaching was remarkable; as was the experience and diversity of the participants. I have increasing hope and optimism that as the rescheduling of psychedelics is considered and more practitioners seek training in this field, people living with treatment resistant mental illnesses in Australia may soon have safe access to these potentially transformative medicines. I’m excited to have met so many people passionately working to facilitate this.”

Dr Jo Howe, GP, TAS 

“What an incredible course! I met so many incredible colleagues who are now friends and learnt so much- my brain is bursting! Amazing value- we were absolutely spoilt. What a wonderful thing to be part of.”

Ella Morter, Counsellor, QLD 

“This course is clearly run by passionate and dedicated people. The MMA teaching team seem to have taken every step to make this course a truly top tier program. I can’t wait for the next weekend intensive: holotropic breathwork.”

James Steevenson, Mental Health Nurse, VIC 

“In my 30 years of work as a psychologist, I have never attended such an engaging and informative course of this calibre. The lecturers are world class experts in the field providing not just theories but also practical teachings along with experiential training. This course broadens my mind and also my heart.”

Maurizio Romano, Psychotherapist

“I was amazed by Wade Davis’s talk Sunday. It was more of a work of art than a lecture. In 55 years of education I have rarely heard such mastery of a topic expressed so poetically.”

Dr Jack Springer, Emergency Physician

“The CPAT course is amazing. Never ever ever have I been so engrossed and hungry for knowledge. The calibre of the educators is exceptional. If you are thinking about doing this course do it without hesitation. It is the bomb.”

Gareth Wild, Coaching/Counselling Psychologist

“The highlight of 2022 has been learning about Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT) from outstanding teachers, from William James (1890s) through to today’s leading PAT practitioners and professors, each with decades of relevant experience, in a brilliantly arranged curriculum put together by Mind Medicine Institute (MMI) for their Certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. I found the course practicums (workshops) as enjoyable as the weekly webinars. The MMI faculty is led by PA therapists Nigel Denning and Traill Dowie, PhD (dual: Philosophy, Psychiatry), both with extensive experience with psychedelic work internationally. Any University wanting to incorporate PAT into a Masters programme will be very hard pressed to do any better than MMI, the training arm of Mind Medicine Australia. Without doubt PAT will become a major contributor to the Australian mental health profession this decade. Today’s MMI PAT students will be the pioneers and leaders in clinics, hospitals and growth centres of tomorrow, a tomorrow that is rapidly heading our way.”

Denis McCarthy, Clinical Psychologist, Fremantle, WA, AU 

“As a psychotherapist I have undertaken many varied courses and trainings and am happy to say that the CPAT training has for me, been absolutely up there with the best. Nigel and Traill’s experience, presence, skill, and teachings stretched me both professionally and personally, and I am already seeing the results in my ‘everyday’ clinical practice and life. I am so grateful for this amazing training. Thank you.”

Pamela Pannifex , Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Naturopath M (Couns & App. Psychoth), N.D.

“The MMI CPAT course was the best researched and structured course I have ever enrolled in. Nigel, Trail and Dave were outstanding. Their wealth of knowledge was equalled and probably exceeded by their passion and belief in the whole CPAT process. They made the course feel like a really good TV series that just got better and better and pity it had to come to an end. Again, huge thanks to everyone involved.”

John Lee, QLD

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. Very worthwhile. The instructors are highly experienced, have deep knowledge and amazing teaching skills. The venues are great, food amazing. I had some great breakthroughs during the breathwork sessions. I have also made some great friends, there is a great spirit amongst us and I really appreciate this. I highly recommend the CPAT.”

Dr Matt Worthington, Clinical Psychologist, QLD

“The CPAT course totally surpassed all my expectations. The lecturers and guest speakers were outstanding and world class. I went into this course with a bit of hesitance due to the fact that this therapy isn’t legal yet outside of clinical trials. I am so glad that I followed my intuition and went ahead regardless. I have made lifelong connections and friendships with extraordinary like minded people. This course has not only changed the way I currently work with my psychotherapy clients but I would go as far as to say that it has changed the trajectory of my career and life. I am forever grateful.”    

Nikki Lucas, Psychotherapist, SA

Course accreditation

Mind Medicine Australia’s Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies™ is endorsed as professional development training by the organisations listed below.

It may also form the basis of individual professional development and training plans. All our training courses and events can also be used to claim ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points in Australia through professional colleges (e.g. through the Australian Psychological Society, RANZCP, RACGP…).

Please check with your professional membership body for the appropriate category and number of points.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance is available for our Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies (CPAT)™!

The funding is available for outstanding practitioners in financial need and those from rural, regional areas and/or those from indigenous or other diverse groups to support part of the tuition fees for the course. Some financial assistance is available on a competitive basis.

The Fundamentals of Psychedelic-Assisted therapies for Mental Health

Mind Medicine Australia is delighted to announce the launch of a new online course, The Fundamentals of Psychedelic-Assisted therapies for Mental Health. This course will help people understand the foundations of psychedelic-assisted therapies and the application of their use in the treatment of chronic mental illness. This course is open to anyone with an interest in the topic.

You can see what the program will cover here:

Psychedelic Fundamentals Overview >>

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