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Could psychedelics be used to treat mental health disorders?

ABC News, November 25, 2022

There is hope that psychedelic medicines might hold the key to treating a range of mental health issues — from anxiety to depression and PTSD.

The Expanding Scope of Psychedelics as Medicines

Blossom in cooperation, and co-published, with Lucid News, November 14, 2022

How the expanding scope of psychedelic medicine research is demonstrating the effectiveness of a single compound (psilocybin/MDMA) across multiple disorders, from PTSD to headache disorders.

“Open the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V, psychiatrists’ dictionary), pick any disorder, and you’re likely to see psychedelics research being conducted for it.”

New psychedelic trial to test whether hallucinogenic drug can help cure smoking addiction

7 News, November 13, 2022

The US National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant to scientists at Johns Hopkins University, in the first offer of its kind in half a century.

The study, a randomised controlled trial expected to start later this year, will investigate whether psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in “magic mushrooms”, can help people quit smoking tobacco.

The Business Trip

The Weekend Australian Magazine, November 13, 2022

A luxe psychedelic retreat for high-flying corporate types? Will Pavia is all in.

Colorado Voted to Decriminalize Psilocybin and Other Psychedelics

Time, November 11, 2022

Colorado voters have approved the broadest psychedelic legalization in the U.S., which would decriminalize five psychedelic substances and enable adults to receive psychedelics at licensed centers. The Associated Press called the vote for the measure, Proposition 122, on Friday morning; 92% of the votes were in as of 11 a.m., with 52.3% of voters in favor.

Researchers experiment with psychedelics to treat post-traumatic stress disorder

7.30, ABC, November 9, 2022

There are some effective therapies for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, but they don’t work for everyone and with as many as one million Australians living with PTSD, the search for new treatments is gathering steam.

It’s driving a re-examination of treatments involving psychedelic drugs as James Elton reports.

With Promise of Legalization, Psychedelic Companies Joust Over Future Profits

The New York Times, October 25, 2022

Start-ups are filing scores of patent claims on psychedelics such as psilocybin.

Read the full PDF here.

The world’s first Phase 3 psilocybin clinical trial is about to commence

New Atlas, October 25, 2022

The world’s first Phase 3 human trial for day psilocybin therapy with psychological support due to commence by the end of 2022. The trial will enroll close to 1,000 participants and Compass is looking to FDA approval by the end of 2025.

Shroom A Magic Cure

Herald Sun, October 24, 2022

Melbourne team makes anorexia breakthrough.

Professor Arthur Christopoulos speaks at Academy of Law and Academy of Science Joint Symposium

Academy of Law and Academy of Science Joint Symposium, October 18, 2022

Yesterday, Professor Arthur Christopoulos, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and inaugural Director of the Neuromedicines Discovery Centre at Monash University, spoke at the Academy of Law and Academy of Science Joint Symposium.

He spoke of the vast divide between science and the law, in reference to the scheduling of medicines, and particularly focusing on psilocybin and MDMA. As the TGA finalises the interim decision on the rescheduling of these medicines, it would be important to keep his words in mind.

Psychedelic Medicine Is Going Beyond PTSD and Depression

Lucid News, October 13, 2022

Though psychedelic treatments for a few major indications get all the headlines, there are many more conditions that psychedelic treatments are being investigated for.

Psychedelics are Exploding in the Startup Community as Founders Say it Makes Them Better Leaders

FortuneWell, October 6, 2022

Ayahuasca’s effects may feel like “talk therapy on steroids” because the hallucinations reveal what many interpret as a deeper truth about themselves, their life, or life in general. Often called ayahuasca “teachings,” these visions may provide the type of self-awareness critical to being a good leader. Business leadership research shows that when leaders can regulate their own negative emotional responses, they can better identify their team’s needs and provide them the encouragement or motivation they need.

Kiwi trial to investigate psilocybin and treatment-resistant depression

NZ Herald, September 28, 2022

A new trial is set to look into whether psilocybin could provide effective treatment for those with severe depression.

Researchers Studying Psychedelic Drug as Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

High Times, September 21, 2022

A Toronto-based biotech company is studying a psychedelic drug based on DMT as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease with a Phase ll clinical trial in Argentina.

Mushrooms for meds: Psychedelics are changing treatment ways in Israel

Y Net News, September 16, 2022

Ecstasy for PTSD and ketamine for long-term depression – is this game changer set to revolutionize mental health treatment in Israel and elsewhere?

Psilocybin Study To Investigate the Serotonin System in Autism

Technology Networks, September 7, 2022

Technology Networks spoke to Tobias Whelan, PhD student at King’s College London and research scientist at COMPASS Pathways, who is conducting the study, to learn more about this first-ever mechanistic study of psilocybin in autistic adults.

Is the Serotonin Hypothesis about Depression Wrong?

Amen Clinics, August 30, 2022

For over 30 years of clinical practice, Amen Clinics has been saying that a serotonin imbalance may be present in some people with depression, but it is not the only cause of depressive symptoms. Depression is not just one thing. Find out the seven causes of depression that aren’t related to serotonin.

Psychedelic Drugs Take On Depression

Nature Briefing, August 24, 2022

Mind-altering drugs might provide relief for those who don’t respond to conventional therapies — but does the hype outweigh the hope? What is clear is that new therapies are urgently needed. The coronavirus pandemic has left more people in mental distress than ever before. Psychedelics offer the possibility of relief for people who have no other options.

Psychedelic Drug Therapy a Breakthrough for Alcohol Dependence?

Medscape, August 24, 2022

Psilocybin paired with psychotherapy is associated with a robust and sustained decrease in drinking among adults with alcohol use disorder (AUD), new research suggests.

The long history of psychedelics in religion, from ergot-spiked wine to magic mushrooms

ABC News, August 21, 2022

In the last century, psychedelics have gone from being at the cutting edge of medical science, to a symbol of the 1960s counterculture, and back again.

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