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COMP360 psilocybin therapy shows potential in exploratory open-label studies for anorexia nervosa and severe treatment-resistant depression

Globe News Wire, May 3, 2022

Positive early signals seen in two investigator-initiated studies presented at the Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

Australian researchers trialling magic mushroom active ingredient as antidepressant

9 News, April 27, 2022

Sydney researchers are testing psilocybin as an alternative to antidepressants.

Trending Clinical Topic: Psychedelics

MedScape, April 22, 2022

A new study examined changes in specific neurotransmitter systems and brain regions that may be responsible for various experiences associated with a psychedelic “trip”.

GoDaddy Billionaire Bob Parsons Believes Psychedelics Can Heal Trauma—And He’s Putting His Money (And Brain) On The Line

Forbes, April 17, 2022

The Marine infantryman still suffers from PTSD from his tour in Vietnam but credits LSD and MDMA with helping him “come home.” Now he’s on a mission to help other veterans.

‘Magic mushrooms’ for PTSD therapy? Vets help sway conservatives

LA Times, April 16, 2022

Matthew Butler spent 27 years in the Army, but it took a day in jail to convince him that his post-traumatic stress disorder was out of control.

Psychedelic frees up depressed brain, study shows

BBC News, April 12, 2022

Psilocybin appears to free up the brains of people with severe depression in a way that other antidepressants do not, a study has found.

Mushrooms’ magic compound latest hope to relieve depression

The Australian, April 12, 2022

Early tests show lasting effects of brain ‘rewiring’ following controlled ‘trips’

What the science says about microdosing

Australian Financial Review, April 8, 2022

Scientists have insight into what happens when someone takes enough psychedelics to experience hallucinogenic effects. But little research has been conducted on the effects of small doses.

6 terminally ill cancer patients in Canada received doses of the psychoactive substance found in ‘magic’ mushrooms after authorities eased rules

Business Insider, April 7, 2022

Six terminally ill cancer patients in Canada received the country’s first legally produced psilocybin under new rules about access to the substance.

Psychedelics may ease cancer patients’ depression, anxiety

Washington Post, April 2, 2022

Evidence indicates that psychedelics could reduce the end-of-life anxiety that many cancer patients experience.

The Next Big Addiction Treatment

The New York Times, March 31, 2022

Psilocybin combined with therapy is emerging as one of the most effective psychedelic therapies.

Why microdosing is gaining momentum in Australia

Australian Financial Review, March 24, 2022

Microdosing psychedelic drugs has been a trend in Silicon Valley that’s taking off here. But does a micro trip help you make better decisions at work?

LSD, a future anti-anxiety pill?

McGill University Health Centre, March 18, 2022

A study conducted by Gabriella Gobbi, MD, Professor and Head of the Neurobiological Psychiatry Unit in the Department of Psychiatry, and her team demonstrates for the first time that regular administration of low doses of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) reduces anxiety symptoms through neurobiological mechanisms that are similar to those of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Psychedelics and the Future of Psychiatry

The Psychiatric Times, February 9, 2022

Over the past several years, we have witnessed a psychedelic renaissance, and a growing body of evidence suggests that several psychedelic compounds hold strong therapeutic potential for a wide array of mental health conditions.

Psychedelics Offer New Route to Recovery from Eating Disorders

Neo Life, February 1, 2022

Psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine can lead to a new sense of self and a release from rigid rules for people with anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.

Sensible policy on psychedelic drugs is growing more common

The Economist, January 29, 2022

Psychedelic drugs show tremendous potential in treating certain mental health disorders.

Psychedelic therapy shows great promise. More states should legalise it

The Economist, January 29, 2022

Oregon’s trailblazing sets a fine example.

The Future of Psychedelic Medicine Will Be Drugs You’ve Never Heard Of

Vice, January 25, 2022

Scientists are designing new psychedelic-inspired drugs that don’t yet exist, which might have effects no one can yet describe.

Ketamine for the treatment of alcoholism

Blossom Analysis, January 24, 2022

Psychedelics are poised to be both viable and effective treatment options for many people living with mental disorders whom conventional treatments have failed. One of these disorders is substance use disorder (SUD), commonly known as addiction.

How 2021 became the year of psychedelics – and why 2022 is set to be even bigger

Canex, January 20, 2022

It’s no secret that psychedelics are on the comeback trail, with a record number of trials and total investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars in 2021 alone.

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