Chapters – Australia & New Zealand · Mind Medicine Australia
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Chapters – Australia & New Zealand

Chapters – Australia & New Zealand

As a part of Mind Medicine Australia’s initial strategy, we founded 35+ Chapters around Australia and New Zealand as a grassroots movement of change. The Chapters played a pivotal part in our advocacy efforts, and we ran over 100 events throughout the past 5 years, attracting tens of thousands of people.

In 2023, the TGA rescheduled psilocybin and MDMA allowing authorised prescribers to prescribe these substances as part of therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression (psilocybin) and treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (MDMA). The Chapters supported the rescheduling campaign and were key to receiving over 13,000 public submissions supporting the rescheduling applications. To date, this is the largest public submission round the TGA has received, and we feel grateful for all the community support.

However, this decision marked a turning point for the psychedelic field in Australia and globally. As a result, our strategy is evolving. We have decided to close our network of chapters and focus our efforts on supporting the rollout of these therapies through professional and public education including our Fundamentals of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies course (in collaboration with Drug Science), clinician training via our Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies™, ensuring affordable access to medicines and patient accessibility via our Patient Support Fund and other initiatives.

There are still ways to get involved in our community and to support the accessibility of psychedelic medicines in Australia.

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